Prof Alex HE Jingwei 和經緯
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In Media
South China Morning Post: Why Hong Kong's demographic dilemma need not mean doom? (2023-12-20)
South China Morning Post: 3 traps Hong Kong must avoid in building an innovation-driven university town (2023-11-8)
本地八大研究卓越 創新技術方案造福社會:
" (2023-9-21)
《香港經濟導報》: “大驚小怪”的學術界——ChatGPT對高等教育的影響(2023-3-20)
Bloomberg: Hong Kong Virus Fight Went From Confidence to Reliance on China (2022-3-3)
《信報》: “長期護理保險市場,助長者過尊嚴生活” (2021-1-12)
South China Morning Post: Hong Kong's Coronavirus third wave: look to mainland for help in boosting local testing capacity (2020-7-15)
新冠疫情擴散,觸發全球衛生管治體系變革” (2020-5-11)
The Straits Times: New trade unions could be powerful force in LegCo elections in Hong Kong in September (2020-2-18)
South China Morning Post: China coronavirus crisis: Beijing is marshalling its formidable bureaucracy – but at what cost?(2020-2-1)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《大政商道》:“DRG醫保付費全國試點” (2019-6-24)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《財智精英匯》:“穩價保量:國務院加速推廣藥品帶量採購” (2019-9-7)
CGTN (former CCTV-9): "China's doctors tested by shifting healthcare landscape" (2018-9-30)
Financial Times: Chinese City Touted as Model for Cutting Healthcare Costs (2018-2-20)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《財智菁英匯》:“內地醫院擴大推廣按病種收費” (2018-1-20)
China Daily: How to Reduce Shortage of pediatricians (2018-1-18)
鳳凰衛視中文台《社會正能量》:“醫學專業冷與熱” (2017-8-3)
《明報》:“公立醫院爆滿,醫療改革需多管齊下” (2017-7-19)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《財智菁英匯》:“公立醫院改革與看病‘一口價’?” (2017-5-6)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《財智菁英匯》:“如何解決特廉價特效藥短缺?” (2017-3-4)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《大政商道》:“中國藥品市場面臨洗牌” (2017-2-12)
Financial Times: Chinese Doctor’s Dash Underlines Private Healthcare Challenges (2017-2-6)
South China Morning Post: Why China at Heart of Fight to Head off Antibiotic Apocalypse? (2016-11-25)
China Radio International: Doctor-Patient Tensions in China (2016-5-14)
China Daily:
Embracing the 'Silver Economy' with Public Private Partnership (2016-5-10)
China Daily: Enforcement Needed to Plug Health System Loopholes (2016-3-25)
China Daily: More Pediatricians needed for Children's Health (2016-3-9)
《明報》:“教育學院亞洲及政策研究學系針對現實環境,強化課程內容” (2016-1-15)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台《大政商道》:“醫藥電商發展政策鬆綁” (2015-4-5)
香港亞洲衛視本港台:保險業聯會建議自願醫保計劃不設承保條款 (2015-3-13)
《經濟日報》:“教院調查:37%人會買自願醫保” (2015-3-14)
香港商業電台:“調查指贊成自願醫保市民增加” (2015-3-13)
《東方日報》:“自願醫保諮詢將結束,40%受訪者不知有諮詢” (2015-3-13)
Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK): Voluntary Insurance Gains Support (2015-3-13)
South China Morning Post: What Our Neighhours Tell us about Health Care Reform (2015-2-5)
South China Morning Post: Give Hong Kong People More Incentive to Switch to Private Health Care (2014-12-29)
China Daily: Good governance matters in Ebola fight (2014-11-3)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台 《財智菁英匯》:“中國解禁外資獨資醫院” (2014-9-6)
《明報》:“自願醫保不應以40歲劃界” (2014-5-2)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台 《財智菁英匯》:“民營醫院自主定價:醫改破題?” (2014-4-19)
鳳凰衛視中文台《財經正前方》:“聚焦中國收入分配體制改革” (2014-3-14)
China Daily: Toward doctor-patient rapport (2014-3-10)
《明報》:“加強公私營醫療協作須長遠規劃” (2014-2-19)
《信報》:“增加煙草稅難降吸煙率” (2014-2-19)
《明報》:“醫療券加碼,或非良策” (2014-2-5)
鳳凰衛視中文台/資訊台 《財智菁英匯》: “深化醫改:活水還是死水?” (2014-1-4)
China Daily: Toilet is not a trivial matter but a big public health issue (2013-11-22)
China Daily: China's health care reform offers a good model for the developing world (2013-10-27)
South China Morning Post: Hong Kong Health Authority Passes Health Test (2013-9-12)
《星島日報》:“醫管局存廢之爭的政策思考” (2013-9-4)